Home Inspector

$299 Structural Inspections (includes complimentary mold inspection)

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NY License # 16000071944

MA License # 977

CT License # HOI.0000908

VT License # 143.0134073

Termite damage

Pest inspection

Carpenter Bee damage

Wood destroying insects include termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, old house bores, powderpost beetles and more. Each causes a different type and level of damage, but all of them are unwanted guests in your home.

Some damage, like that of the carpenter bee pictured here, is easy to spot, however, termite damage often goes unseen until it is too late. Termites and other insects can cause thousands of dollars of damage to a home before any evidence is visible. Most home inspectors will call attention to damaged wood, however a commercial pest technician is likely to see the signs of termites before damaged wood becomes visible.

Many government insured mortgages such as FHA, HUD, and VA mortgages require a Wood Destroying Insect inspection done by a Licensed Commercial Pest Technician. While most conventional mortgages leave this to the discretion of the borrower, and permit this to be done by a home inspector, we encourage pest inspections to be done by those who are properly trained and licensed.

Your home is possibly your largest investment. Hire a licensed pest inspector, and don’t skip a pest inspection.

Carey Home Inspection, Commercial Pest Technician License # T893464

Wood Destroying Insect Inspection